I have always loved the story of Ruth, beginning with hearing the very basics of the story early on in Sunday School and then more and more details of her life and faith as I got older. Nicki's book focuses on 5 habits, with a couple of chapters dealing with each habit. I love the style of writing and the layout of the book as it was straight-forward and easy to pick up and read a chapter to ponder for a few days and then return to reading another chapter. There were lists included and quotes squared off making them "jump" out and really make you think about it. I also loved the "make it stick" sections and the "to be honest" section with questions to reflect upon. To really dive further into this book, there is a 6-session study guide that goes along with this
book. I loved this study guide as it really helped me to go deep into studying the life and book of
Ruth, but also really looking at myself and my life and things that I may be struggling with and areas that I may quit on or be tempted to give up on too easily.
*Thanks to the B&H Publishing Group Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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