I absolutely LOVED Courtney Walsh's novel "Just Look Up" and I was so excited when I found out that there was another novel set in Harbor Pointe! "Just Let Go" is book #2 in this series by Courtney and it is just as good as the first! Quinn Collins has been waiting years to own the flower shop that her mother owned when Quinn was young and now that time has come. However, more importantly to Quinn this is the chance she has been waiting for to get her mother's attention. Her mother who left town and never came back when Quinn and her sister were young. Grady is at a low in his career and really to be honest, his life in general. He may not make the Olympic team for skiing, even though he used to be at the top, but his latest runs have him highlighted all over social media and not in a good way. Grady finds himself stopping into the diner in Harbor Pointe and that was a big mistake as he finds himself in jail overnight and then having to stay in town to fulfill community service hours. Quinn is trying to prove herself to her mother, and Grady is trying to prove himself to his family, to make up for an accident in the past, by winning the gold.
This is such an amazing story! Courtney does an incredible job with creating the characters, they are all so real as well as the setting. I wanted to be inside the book, at Hazel's Kitchen drinking coffee with the girls or joining in on supper with Quinn, Judge, and the gang, and visiting the cottages that Lane and Ryan have worked on fixing up. I loved all the familiar places in town from "Just Look Up" and also getting to know more about some of the characters. I am really hoping for book #3 for another chance to spend time in Harbor Pointe and all the townspeople, maybe hearing Betsy's story, or a happy ending for Carly and of course seeing how things go for Jaden. This is such a sweet story of hurt, loss, the importance of family and community and relying on strength from God and seeking His help and guidance. I highly recommend the Harbor Pointe books!
Click here to read an excerpt: To read the first chapter!
*Thanks to the Tyndale Blog Network for the complimentary copy of this book.*