Oh my goodness, this is such a great read and when you finish reading you will feel like you have a new best friend (well you will be longing for Lincee to be your new best friend!). "Why I Hate Green Beans" is Lincee sharing her heart, her insecurities, her journey throughout life and honestly it will be as if you are reading entries from your own old diaries (if you kept one!) and a look into your own heart and mind. It is so easy to feel down on ourselves and struggle with how we look, how clothes fit and look on us and how we compare to others around us with mothering, being a friend, how we look, everything. Lincee shares all that and more in this book. I found myself laughing out loud at various parts and thinking that she totally gets me at some parts and feeling as if she could have been reading my thoughts at other times. This is a quick read that is so good, a great break to take and escape away to that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face the day!
*Thanks to the Revell Reads Blogger Review Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*
Great review. Please share it with everyone over at Books You Loved: March. Cheers from Carole's Chatter