Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"The Christmas Star"

Image result for the christmas star robert tate millerRobert Tate Miller's latest Christmas novel, "The Christmas Star: a love story," is such a sweet and real story highlighting love, loss, forgiveness, healing and hope.  Paul despises Christmas due to the recent losses in his life, his former perfect life, that is perfect in his eyes.  However, he was lacking a very important piece, a true relationship with God.  When Paul finds himself in despair he turns to other vices to help. However, this Christmas is going to be different when Paul is at his lowest and finds himself in the company of some unlikely companions and on a journey that will prove to be the very thing that he needs. 
This story flows so nicely as the reader is introduced to Paul and his life and taken on this journey with him.  This also highlights the birth of Jesus and the journey that the shepherds were on to meet this new King, giving another perspective and look at the reason for the Christmas season. This was one of my favorite books that I read this past Christmas season; however it is one to be enjoyed anytime of the year as we each can use the healing and hope that are portrayed in this book and in Paul's life.  I highly recommend this book and this will be one that I will reread each Christmas season. 
*Thanks to the author for the complimentary copy of this book.*

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