This book is perfect for tween girls and one that can help guide conversations between girls and their mom or other trust female in a girl's life. Kids these days are being faced with so much more than we had to deal with growing up with social media and the backlash that comes with posting things about one's self and being able to compare one's self with virtually millions of other people. This book is colorful, and fun looking when you flip through it, so it is definitely appealing to the eye and will appeal to tween girls. Then once you start reading, you will see that it is not just another book to read, but it is an interactive book willed with quizzes, questions, activities and things to reflect upon that the girl Zoey is facing and having to make decisions about. This book covers a wide variety of things and that is a feature I love as well, everything from feelings to grades to appearance to frenemies to boys. I also love the Bible verses and lessons that are tied in as well, giving the girls a firm foundation for determining what is lies and what is truth. This is an excellent resource and book for girls and for moms to use with their daughters.
*Thanks to the Moody Publishers Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*
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