Holley Gerth is one of my favorite authors of women's living books and her latest, "Hope Your Heart Needs," is another winner. This is such a cute little book that will easily fit in your purse to pull out when you have a few minutes of down time to read and receive a little bit of extra encouragement. Although, it is little, there is so much in this book, so many reminders, 52 readings to be exact. Each reading will remind and encourage the reader that she is not alone, not traveling through this journey of life all alone, as God is right there and He cares for us and gives us strength to tackle life. These readings are a nice mixture of Holley's own personal experiences and insights, Biblical verses and accounts and quotes and readings from other books on similar subjects. I always say sitting down with one of Holley's books is like sitting down with a friend chatting over mugs of coffee, as reading is like having conversation instead of just merely sitting there reading the book. This is a great book and one that will encourage each and everyone who reads it.
*Thanks to the Revell Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*
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