Plan an evening of fun, pizza, devotionals, and games with your family! Melissa is giving away a Family Fun Night Prize Pack.
One grand prize winner will receive:
- A copy of Total Family Makeover
- A copy of Deep Blue Family Devotional: Fall 2016 - Summer 2017
- A copy of CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible Bright Sky Hardcover
- A $50 Pizza Hut gift card
- Qwirkle Board Game
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on October 7. The winner will be announced October 10 on Melissa's blog.
Book info
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Total Family Makeover: 8 Practical Steps to Making Disciples at Home (Abingdon, September 2016)
Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won't depart from it. ---Proverbs 22:6
God calls us as parents to be key disciple-makers in our children's lives, but if we're honest, some days it's a battle just to get them dressed and ready for school on time. How can you mold their hearts when sometimes you can't even find their shoes? In Total Family Makeover, author Melissa Spoelstra gives parents a way---a sort of spiritual track to run on---when it comes to building family discipleship. She focuses on eight key habits of growth:
-Spending Time in Prayer
-Reading God's Word
-Growing Through a Mentoring Relationship
-Finding Community in the Church
-Serving Others
-Taking Time to Rest
-Giving Back to God
-Sharing Your Faith
Disciples are made, not born. Whether your children are babes in arms or teenagers getting ready to leave the nest, making disciples at home starts with you! Give your family a makeover with this practical approach to helping your children learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
About the author:
Melissa Spoelstra is a popular women's conference speaker, Bible teacher, and writer who is madly in love with Jesus and passionate about helping women of all ages to seek Christ and know Him more intimately through serious Bible study. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible Theology and enjoys teaching God's Word to diverse groups and churches within the body of Christ. She is the author of the First Corinthians: Living Love When We Disagree, Joseph: The Journey to Forgiveness, and Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World Bible studies and Total Family Makeover: 8 Steps to Making Disciples at Home book. She lives in Dublin, Ohio, with her pastor husband and four kids.
My Review:
I really enjoyed this book, it was eye opening and also a gentle reminder to enjoy these moments of raising my children and not being too hard on myself. Melissa's book focuses on molding, and raising children to live their lives as disciples of God. This book is divided into eight sections, each focusing on a key habit. One is growing through mentoring and another is serving others. I found that the Sarah covered so much in this book, but I didn't feel overwhelmed while reading it. Instead I felt encouraged to train my children and to allow myself to seek out guidance from others. I really liked how Melissa stressed the importance of mentoring at all stages and this chapter was probably my favorite in the book, as it is an area I want to, I need to focus more on. The layout of this book is also very "user friendly" as it includes reflection questions and practical steps for trying to instill the principles in my own life.
To read other reviews included on this blog tour, go here!
*Thanks to the Litfuse Publicity Group for the complimentary copy of this book and for including me on this blog tour.*
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