Mothering isn't easy. Some days you second-guess every decision. Some nights you fall into bed in a haze of exhaustion. Yet even if you feel alone in the struggle, there are mothers who have been there--right where you are now--and they want you to know you are not alone. That's where The Mother Letters comes in.
The Mother Letters began as a gift of encouragement. After Amber Haines had given birth to three boys in three years, her husband Seth realized the day-to-day details and drama of child rearing were overwhelming her. He secretly began collecting letters from other mothers across the world and gave these "mother letters" to her as a gift.
Amber and Seth have compiled these wise, honest, and sometimes hilarious letters into a beautiful book of hope and encouragement for moms everywhere. Their desire is that these words speak to you as they did to Amber, and that you hear "Me too. We can do this."
My Review:
This book is the sweetest and such a nice gift for all moms! With Mother's Day a week away, this would make an excellent gift! Being a mother is the BEST role I have; however it is not without it's challenges and I have my fair share of moments of feeling inadequate and overwhelmed and just so tired. These feelings can all be erased with receiving a hug and feeling your little arms wrapped around your neck. Yet, it also helps to know that I am not alone on this mothering journey and other mothers feel those same feelings as me. I love the layout and feel of this book as it is so nice, compact to take and read wherever and easy to hold onto and balance with full hands and laps as moms usually are doing. The letters all share great wisdom and stories and I love the highlighted lines that really jump out and stick with you.
*Thanks to the Revell Reads Bloggers Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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