"The Christmas Dog" by Melody Carlson is one of the "feel good" reads! If you are looking for a quick read that just makes you smile and really get into a Christmasy mood, then this book is for you! In today's society you hear about the bad in the world and the bad in people causing you to look extra careful at that new neighbor down the street as you expect the worst in people, especially strangers. Carlson gives you hope and urges you to look beyond the surface and allows you to see the good in people. I love how the relationships that are intertwined in this story - mother and son, grandmother and granddaughter, neighbors and friends. Who would have thought that a straggly dog showing up on a doorstep could bring so much heal, hope and love!
Here is a link for an excerpt from the book:

Make sure you have tissues nearby! Dan Walsh's novel "The Unfinished Gift" will tug at your heart, fill your eyes with tears and have you experience several emotions throughout as you travel back to World War II and become a part of Patrick's life as he suddenly meets a grandfather whom he has never met, but has always lived nearby. Patrick's mother has passed away and his father is MIA leaving his grandfather to care for him although he harbors bitter feelings and resentment toward his own son from years ago. Will this Christmas be a happy one for Patrick and his grandfather, will they receive what they most want this year? Walsh depicts a realistic scene throughout the book from the characters to the physical setting to the feelings and thoughts of the characters. I am looking forward to a sequel!
Here's a link to read an excerpt from this novel:
Although I have not yet had a chance to read this book, I am grealty looking forward to based upon the excerpt and reviews I have read! Check it out for yourself!
I would love to hear if any of you have read these books and your "must-reads" for Christmas!
Happy Reading!
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