Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"Everything She Didn't Say"

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"Everything She Didn't Say," the newest novel from Jane Kirkpatrick is a historical masterpiece that will transport you back in time and have you feeling like you're living among these women heading out west.  Jane has done much research to write this novel and it surely was worth it as she brings Carrie's "Dell" life story to life through this book!  Dell keeps record of her life as she and her husband travel out West, however she glosses over details and writes only the brighter, happier time.  However, the time has come that she is rally to reveal secrets that she has been harboring and really keeping from her self in a way. 
I found this book to be such a wonderful historical read! I loved how the chapters began and ended with Carrie "Dell's" accounts and then the story filled in the rest of the details and added more to the story.  Therefore, the story was filled with emotion, trials, and small moments of joy.  This made the women so real and so relatable and I felt as if they came alive and we became close friends.  Jane Kirkpatrick truly has a skill for bringing historical accounts to life and her novels are not to be missed by those whom enjoy historical fiction!

*Thanks to the Revell Reads Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*

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