Hal Donaldson, along with Kirk Noonan, begins his book, "Your Next 24 Hours: one day of kindness can change everything" with a personal account of one day in his life that was a bad day, a really bad day that forever changed his life. However, in the midst of tragedy, a couple showed Hal and his siblings kindness even though it was not easy and much was sacrificed. Hal and Kirk have collected stories and share 22 chapters highlighted various people whom have shown kindness and suggest ways that each of us can show kindness to people in our own lives. It is so easy to feel bad for ourselves and through ourselves little pity parties, but really in the whole scheme of things, the issues we are having a fit about are nothing in comparison to what others are dealing with. Or if there really is something that truly is a big deal, a horrible situation we are facing, the little things that others do for us or say truly mean so much. This book is so inspiring and is a true encouragement to me to show kindness to others and really focus on making the most of each day to make a difference. I love the quotes that are shared throughout the book, there are so many highlighted spots throughout this after reading it.
*Thanks to the Baker Books Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*
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