"Beloved Mess: God's perfect love for your imperfect life" by Kimm Crandall is a heartfelt, honest read that left me feeling hopeful, at peace and desiring to do my best, but not punishing myself for not being perfect. Kimm begins by sharing how her life is a mess in an open, raw approach that feels like you are sitting around chatting with a close girlfriend. Then she moves onto other areas such as grace. Each chapter concludes with a "for the journey" section that is questions meant to help the reader apply the chapter and reflect on what was shared in order to make it personal and lead to change. This a quick read, but one that is full of depth and heart. I highly recommend this book, even if you think you may not have time to read, make time - stick it in your purse and read when you have a few minutes waiting here and there.
*Thanks to the Baker Books Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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