"The Song," written by Chris Fabry, is a story that is based on the Song of Solomon and one that will captivate the reader. Jed has always lived in the shadow of his father, and has wanted to do his own thing. Jed finds his inspiration and is able to do that, but as happens to some people they find themselves at the top to only fall and this happens to Jed. I love the parallel with this story and the Biblical account; I think Chris did an excellent job with the connections with his characters, emotions and the series of events that occur. In life there are ups and downs, temptations and successes and things along the way that may be derailing, and this is shown in Jed's life as well. I highly recommend this book to be on your to read pile for this year!
*Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers Blog Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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