"Unrivaled," a novel by Siri Mitchell, is a sweet love story that is filled with strong and spunky characters whom you will fall in love with! Lucy Kendall returns home from a trip around Europe with her aunt and uncle and she is all excited to share what she saw and experienced; however her life is drastically changed. Lucy's father has suffered heart problems and is confined to bed, her father's candy company is struggling and almost all of Lucy's friends have married and moved. Lucy is chosen as this season's Queen of Love and Beauty, so Lucy decides to make the most of this and creates a candy, with her faithful sidekick Sam, that is sure to turn things around for her father's company. However, at the ball no one likes the candy. Lucy is devastated and finds comfort and friendship in a stranger; however the stranger turns out to be Charlie Clarke, the son of the man who stole Lucy's father's recipe, company and dream years ago and is the Kendall family's enemy. Charlie's father deserted his family when Charlie was young and Charlie had to step up and be the man and provide for the family any way he could, even if it meant by unsavory means. Charlie is forced into a second chance with his father and he tries to do his father's wishes, but will he follow through even if it will cost the heart of the one he loves?
I loved this book! Charlie and Lucy are both excellent main characters, both full of spunk and yet so real and honest and both struggling to find who they really are. Each chapter alternates between Charlie's and Lucy's point of view and I love this approach to telling the story as it really lets the reader be a part of each of their worlds. The minor characters are great as well. Winnie and Mr. Arthur both play important parts as they each help Charlie and Lucy discover things about themselves, even though they are not all good things, but overall help them to become better individuals and who they really hope and want to be. Sam is a character I loved as well. At first, I thought there may be love between Sam and Lucy, but I like how Sam's character and story was written and the happy ending for him as well. This is a well-written book that is a sweet story and fun to read with some mystery thrown in as well.
*Thanks to Bethany House Publishers for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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