I was so excited to see that there was a new Susan May Warren book coming out and not only that, but a new series that is a spin-off from her Deep Haven series which I love! "Take a Chance on Me" is book one is Warren's six book Christiansen Family series and it is one that will have you immersed in the story and in the characters' lives immediately and leave you wanting to spend more time with them. Darek is trying to raise his young son alone and also trying to help keep the family resort business open. When his brother is unable to participate in a town auction, Darek steps in and is purchased by a stranger, a new woman who has moved to town. However, Ivy, is not as much of a stranger as he first believes her to be, as their pasts intertwine. Ivy is pleased to not only have landed the job as the assistant county attorney, but also to be living in Deep Haven, a town that immediately feels like home to her as she has never experienced the feeling of family and belonging before. Darek and Ivy are both struggling with issues from their pasts and a past situation that is still very much alive for them both. Will this get in the way for Ivy to finally have someone and somewhere to call home?
I loved this story and cannot wait for the second book in the series to come out! Deep Haven is such a great setting for this series and the Christiansen family is a family who is there for each other through thick and thin and the everyday laughs and struggles. I also love Ivy's character as well as Jensen's character. The mention of former characters and landmarks in Deep Haven reminded me of how much I enjoyed that series as well. This is a story that will have you laughing and crying as the characters face their pasts, work together and find love.
To find out more about this book and the series go here!
To read an excerpt of the novel click here: excerpt!
*Thank you to Tyndale Blog Network for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
I love her books!