"Claudia: Wife of Pontius Pilate," a novel written by Diana Wallis Taylor, tells the story of a Biblical character who is not well-known, but plays an important role. Claudia grew up in a guarded villa as a child and has been sheltered her whole live. Suddenly at the age of sixteen Claudia finds herself being given to Pontius Pilate to be his wife. In the midst of turmoil and controversy Claudia finds who she is and whom her heart really loves.
The author does a wonderful job of bringing this time period alive, complete with the setting, customs and culture as well as historical events. I find Claudia to be a fascinating and admirable character. I really enjoyed reading about her and the relationship between her and Pontius Pilate as they grew to love each other. As with everyone, Pontius Pilate has more than one side and personality, a softer side of him that comes out with Claudia. This is a great book that will draw you into the lives of Claudia and Pontius Pilate.
“Available June 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
The author does a wonderful job of bringing this time period alive, complete with the setting, customs and culture as well as historical events. I find Claudia to be a fascinating and admirable character. I really enjoyed reading about her and the relationship between her and Pontius Pilate as they grew to love each other. As with everyone, Pontius Pilate has more than one side and personality, a softer side of him that comes out with Claudia. This is a great book that will draw you into the lives of Claudia and Pontius Pilate.
“Available June 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”