This book addresses everything ranging from a woman's mindset as far as what she was taught growing up about sex and then one's mindset after getting married and then again after having children. It also addressed the environment complete with suggestions as far as making this a more comfortable and more conducive to having a satisfying, intimate relationship. Some of these include clearing clutter out of the bedroom, removing the tv and not using technology in the bedroom after a certain time.
The authors also validate mothers feelings of feeling stretched and pulled in every direction every moment of the day. This can all lead to feelings of guilt as well as far as maybe not being a good enough mother, or wife or friend,
There are verses, personal antidotes, lists, suggestions and questions and answers that will have you thinking about your own relationship, and ways to hopefully help you have the relationship you desire.
*Thanks to the Revell Reads Program for the complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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