Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"Craving Connection"

Image result for craving connectionThis book is exactly what I was hoping for when I received it!  How many of us live our lives day to day, week after week, doing the same thing surrounded by friends, family, community members, people in general.  However, at the same time how many of us feel all alone, even in the midst of so many people.  "Craving Connection" is filled with 30 readings, and challenges to push us to make a connection, a connection with God, a connection with a friend or a connection with one's community. 
Each chapter has a highlighted verse, a reading written by someone a part of the (in)courage community, a prayer, a discussion question, and a challenge to help make a connection.  This book is also beautiful.  The colors in the book are soothing, the layout is so cute making it look as if the quotes and questions are taped onto the page giving it a crafty, scrapbooking look. 
"Craving Connection" is a book that will find a permanent home with me and will be read so many times I am sure.  It is such an encouraging book and one that is helping me to create and reach out to really engage and create connections with others. 

*Thanks to the B&H/Lifeway Blogger Team for the complimentary copy of this book.*

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