Wednesday, January 4, 2017

31 Women we can learn from

"31 Women of the Bible" is an absolute wonderful little devotional book that highlights 31 different women whom today's women can learn from. 
Each woman has her own section that is beautifully displayed with colorful illustrations, highlights of her story that is shared in the Bible and last but not least things that can be learned from her.   One of the highlighted women is Ruth, whom is labeled as the "dream daughter-in-law." The takeaway from Ruth's story is how there are difficult relationships in our lives and how to approach these with grace and seek forgiveness and make amends as needed.
I really enjoyed the Takeaways for each of the stories that are shared and the reflection questions as they were thought-provoking and made me think about changes I need to make within my own life to be a better person.  This is a book that I will revisit often I'm sure. 

*Thanks to the B&H/Lifeway Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*

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