"The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing," written by Marie Kondo, is a must-read for anyone and everyone who wants to maintain a neat, organized home. Marie shares so many good ideas and thoughts throughout this book in order for people to once and for all have a home that is organizes and easy to maintain as well as live a meaningful life. I found myself highlighting so many parts of this book while reading as there are so many points that really spoke to me. Near the beginning of the book, Marie states that organizing is not something that is really taught and passed down such as cooking skills and recipes are and yet this is something that does need to be taught. Marie shares her tips including the order of organizing things, for example, starting with clothing. Also, another point that makes so much sense to me, but one that I have not really practiced before is to organize by type not by location, meaning gather all of the same thing together and sort through them, deciding what to toss and what to keep. Also, I loved that Marie reminds the reader that this is an intense process and usually takes about 6 months. This is something I have to remind myself as I am a person who gets into a cleaning mode and just wants to finish and have everything done. I feel not only motivated, but also prepared to really focus on decluttering and organizing now thanks to this useful book!
***"I received this book from
Blogging for Books for this review."
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