"The Way of The Brave" introduces us to three women who have set off to conquer a mountain, this year's extreme challenge and Jenny's way to deal with her past. However, Jenny doesn't know that it is not going to go as planned for she, Sasha and Aria and that they will need rescuing. Orion knows that he knows Jenny from his time overseas and when he runs into her and then realizes she is lost on the mountain, there is no way he cannot go to try and find her.
I love how Susan brings these characters to life, as every single one seems so real and are all struggling with things in their own lives, yet at the same time living their lives. The thrill of climbing and the adventures these characters seek will keep you turning pages all the way to the end as you wonder what will happen next and also what is going to happen in the characters' lives with their relationships and their own personal, emotional lives. I am looking forward to book #2 and more time with these characters!
*Thanks to the Revell Reads Blogger Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*