Book Blurb from the publisher and endorsements:
Many of us enter parenthood with a perfect vision of what our family will be. But along the way we discover that the children we've been blessed with are real human beings with their own minds, ideals, and views of the world. Our influence only goes so far, and when those children reach the preteen and teenage years, it may seem to have disappeared completely. Yet at no time in your child's life is your positive, godly influence more critical.
If you're worried about your child pulling away, following poor role models, or making choices that will lead to pain and difficulty, Mike Berry has good news: it's not too late. He offers nine ways to help your child through these difficult years and develop a relationship with them that can weather any storm.
"A must-have for parents who truly want to connect with their kids."--Stephen Arterburn, bestselling author, counselor, pastor, and founder and host of New Life Live
"How I wish I would have had such a book as a young mom, but even as a mom of adult daughters and as a grandparent, I can still incorporate the life-transforming truths articulated here."--Sherrie Eldridge, author of 20 Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew
"Drop the guilt and shame and step into smart parenting strategies that actually work, building relationships to last a lifetime."--Cherie Lowe, author of Your Money, Your Marriage and founder of QueenOfFree.net
Mike Berry is the cofounder, along with his wife, Kristin, of the award-winning parenting blog Confessions of an Adoptive Parent and the virtual support site Oasis Community. A sought-after speaker, Berry lives in Indiana with his wife and their eight children.
My Review:
This book is one that is jam packed with good information, I mean seriously, good things right here! There are 3 main sections of this book, the second section the majority of it as it focuses on 9 keys to building positive lifelong relationships with your children. However, that does not mean the other 2 sections are not important. The first section focuses on how not to parent really, and of course of my favorite television mothers referenced as well as fixing a poor parenting parent if you are in one. The third section focusing on moving forward with implementing the keys and strategies just discussed. Each chapter ends with reflection questions that are thought-provoking and really help you think about your own style of parenting and how you are doing in that role.
Mike writes in a conversational style that is completely easy to read and connect with, and his tone is not judgmental, but honest and open. I really liked the layout of the book and how it all flowed nicely. This is a book that I am going to go back and reread, really taking my time reading and refer back to it often. I highly recommend it!
*Thanks to the Baker Books Blogger Review Program for the complimentary copy of this book.*