Kim Cash Tate has written a great follow up novel to her novel "Faithful." "Cherished" continues on with the story of 3 main characters and ties in characters from her previous novel. Tate dives right into the story and quickly draws the reader into the story by beginning with a beautiful and moving event - a wedding and a emotional moment for Kelli as she is sharing a song that she wrote during a significant time in her life. Kelli and Heather, although very different individuals, become close friends and are really seeking the same thing - unconditional love and finding their own true worth.
Everyone wants to be loved and cherished just as Kelli and Heather. This is such a great woman's fiction book as each and every woman can relate to their personal and relational struggles. This book is well-written and Tate's style of writing is easy and enjoyable to read, making this a quick read, but also a book that pulls the reader in quickly and really make the reader reflect on her own life.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*
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