Thursday, July 28, 2011

Book Review - "The Harvest of Grace"

Cindy Woodsmall's "The Harvest of Grace" is the third book in her Ada's House series. This is a great story and different from a "typical" Amish novel, but very enjoyable to read.

Sylvia would rather tend to the animals and work on the dairy farm than be married and have babies. Sylvia has had her heart broken though and it is easier to focus on the animals than love. Aaron has been away at rehab, but he returns to help his parents and their farm that is not doing well. However, there is something else there taking over and Sylvia is not one to give in easily. Aaron and Sylvia have their differences, yet also their similarities. Learning to forgive, forget and still have hope and believe in love are lessons throughout this story.

I like the fact that Woodmall included a summary of what had happened in the first two novels in this series as it was a great reminder of the story so that I was "caught up" as to where the story was at. Also, the character list is a great addition as it is often difficult to keep the many characters straight as to who is who and how they are connected with one another. Many of the characters struggle with things the same any "Englisher" would and I think that added more appeal to the story. This is a great read and I would recommend all three books in the series.

*I received a complimentary copy from Waterbrook Press in exchange for a honest review.*

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