Friday, June 10, 2011

Book Review - "Utopia Texas"

Betty Byrd shares a captivating story, "Utopia Texas," that looks at what people will do to have wealth and status in society.

Brya's position in society is everything to her and she will do whatever to keep her station in life even if it destroys her relationship with other. Brya's relationship with her daughter Olivia has always been rocky and she will go to any lengths to cover up the "mistakes" that Olivia makes, no matter the cost. Brya and Cole, her husband, are part of the elite crowd and part of the oil business in Texas and wherever they go with Olivia, something happens as Olivia seems to cause trouble for them and her friends. This does not end even as Olivia becomes older and Brya finds herself caring for her granddaughter Maggie and helping to rear her as Olivia is "unfit."

The book cover will draw the reader to pick up this story and begin reading - great choice for the cover design! This is an interesting read that really delves into relationships with each other and the facades that people feel they must keep at all times and at any cost. The characters are well-developed and Cherese and Plez are great additions to the story. This is Byrd's second novel, a follow-up to her first, "Trinity's Daughter."

* I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.*

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