Thursday, June 10, 2010

Book Review - "Momology - a mom's guide to shaping great kids"

Shelly Radic, chief of staff at MOPS International, brings a handy book for mothers, "Momology - A Mom's Guide to Shaping Great Kids." This book is very easy to read and follow as it is split into 4 main sections. The first part, "Core" focuses on you as the mother, and this section is filled with topics such as emotions that you may deal with as a mother, and encourages you to think about your strengths and weaknesses. "Finesse" really focuses on the art of mothering and all that is included with this including making decisions and creating traditions. "Circle" is the third part and this focuses on others around you - acquaintances, family members including your husband and extended family. Everyone has a different circle based upon circumstances and how your life is lived. Stay at home moms may feel more isolated than working mothers or they may not depending on the network that each mother has plugged herself into. However, each of us needs supportive people in our lives for encouragement, help and someone who will listen. The fourth and last section is "Grandscape" focusing on God and the world as a whole around us.
This is the first MOPS book that I have read and I was not disappointed. It is filled with great insights from Radic. The book is designed in a way that it can be easily used with a group and have wonderful discussions or for use another with questions that can be pondered and perhaps shared in a journal or blog. This book can help moms feel more comfortable in the role of a mother and be a great learning tool.

“Available June 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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